It’s been a Funny Sort of Month!

Oops, I’ve been neglecting this blog. Apologies to those who’ve been checking in. I will explain.

Things have been rather hectic, with launching the novel and all of the events surrounding that, as well as a few other little details like normal life.

The launch went really well. Waterstone’s staff were wonderful, looking after me and making sure everything went smoothly. I have to admit, I was a little overawed at the thought of being “The Author” at my own event and I appreciated their thoughtfulness. We presented the event as an interview of myself by Andy Roberts from BBC Wales in Cardiff. He asked questions and I did my best to answer. Then I read a little from the book (it was only a little ‘cos my voice started playing up) and then I took questions from the audience. Lots of people bought copies of Chrystal Heart and even a few of The MonSter and the Rainbow and I signed them.

Then we adjourned to The Old Library Bar where I’d arranged for a buffet and a few drinks – with the bar being open for people to keep drinking. I’d been good and stuck to water while I was “on stage”, but now I could relax and enjoy the Cava. Until Andy suggested he buy me a brandy and Chloe suggested mixing it with the Cava and a little brown sugar. I’d never had this drink before and I did enjoy it. Very tasty. And extremely alcoholic! You guys are a bad influence. But that’s what friends are for. Thanks!

On Saturday, I was part of the writing group presenting a day of Creative Writing Workshops here in Chepstow. We had a wonderful day. Sixteen attendees, which may not sound like many, but it meant we could focus a fair amount of attention on each person. And we made a profit! The workshops seemed to go down well, the competition was great fun (congrats again to our winners) and everyone left with a smile on their face and a writing itch in their fingers. We’re hoping to make this an annual event, so get in touch if you want to be kept informed.

And so it’s been a busy few weeks. I’ve been running writing workshops in different parts of the country (including a Steampunk event at Camber Sands Holiday Park, which was great fun). There are more events in the pipeline. The trouble is, I end up putting so much energy into organising these and doing them, I don’t have the time left to update this blog or the various lists which should be kept up to date with my activities. Mea Culpa as the Romans would say, or My Bad as the Americans say. I’ll try and get everything sorted this week. No promises, though.

Novel Noticeably Nearer

Busy times!

Goody Bag 130219

I’m finalising the text for my book, ready to send to the printers. The book cover is ready and I’m pleased with how that’s looking. The press release is being circulated to various media outlets and it’s all getting very real! Pre-orders are trickling in and I’ve just been told our local libraries are ordering copies (they handle orders centrally, so I get a single request for all the branches). I’m involved in running several events at the local library over the next few months, and I’ll be able to sell books at some of these. Not that I ever do a “hard sell” – I’m a writer, not a salesperson!

In fact, if I had to make a living from my books, I’d go hungry an awful lot of the time. But that’s a story for another day!

I’ve converted the text file into the appropriate page size for the first time today, so I can now say it’ll be 320 pages long. Give or take a few, ‘cos there’s all the extra stuff that goes at the front and tweaks to the formatting can change the count by a couple of pages. It’s about 92,000 words long, if anyone’s interested.

So, what’s happening with these promo goodies?

Well, the picture shows the current contents of the full goody bag. People who crowdfunded me for £50 or more last Autumn will get one of these bags with all the contents displayed, as well as paperback and electronic copies of the book. And one or two other little bonuses that are in the process of being produced. Some of the goodies will also be given away to anyone who buys a paperback copy of Chrystal Heart at one of my promo events this year. There are four events arranged so far, more to be added as I finalise details. The latest details will always be on my Amazon UK Author Page (look up one of my books and click on my name, or go direct to ). And anyone who’s pre-ordered a paperback copy will get something extra in the parcel when it arrives.

Told you I’d go hungry if I depended on my book sales for an income.

Chrystal Heart will also be available for Kindle. Details to follow when I’ve done the necessary formatting and uploaded it to Amazon.

Tomorrow is Chrystal’s birthday. She’ll be 189. That’s a lot of candles!